Writers Kinberg and Kasdan working on spinoffs?

The latest speculation in the infinite “Star Wars Episode VII Rumors” is that Simon Kinberg and Michael Kasdan are working on spinoffs for the Star Wars universe instead of the scripts for Episodes VIII and IX.

As I mentioned in an earlier blog that the Star Wars : Underworld TV show was still listed as in production on IMDB.  The following quote from The Playlist proves the rumor to be more speculation than hard evidence but an entertaining idea none the less.


“Wait, spinoffs already? Well, it’s not that surprising given that Disney wants movies from this universe every two to three years. And this is actually particularly interesting given the recent retirement of longtime “Star Wars” steward Rick McCallum. As you might remember, he had been talking up a “Star Wars” TV series for a while, and over the summer revealed there were 50 completed scripts. Could Kasdan and Kinberg be overseeing those scripts and trying to shuffle and connect them into the new trilogy? It’s a big, broad guess, but we can’t imagine Disney or Lucasfilm are going to let three-and-a-half years of work wither away. [The Playlist]”

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