Star Wars fans to build a 1:1 scale Millennium Falcon

mil-fal-1A group in Nashville, Tenn have undertaken the grueling task of recreating the ship that made the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs.  Yes, the Millennium Falcon!!  Headed up by Chris Lee they have plans to build a 1:1 scale Millennium Falcon that will be 114 feet in length.  Their site is already loaded with pics of turrets, panels among other things.  I can’t wait to see this pop up on Google Earth.  Go over to their site to learn more about their project.  The Full Scale Millennium Falcon Project


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Star Wars Episode VII Announcement Next Month.



Kathleen Kennedy, in an interview with ABC News Radio, stated that pre-production will start in the Spring, and that there is an announcement coming next year.

What else can she tell us about the new Star Wars project?  She teases, I have no immediate update, but hopefully in January I’ll have something that I can say.

This should be an announcement for the director, which most are guessing will be Matthew Vaughn.    Sorry not much of an update, but Disney has been very tight lipped about this.

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FTC approves Disney/Lucas Film Deal

The Federal Trade Commission has approved the more than $4 billion dollar deal between Disney and Lucasfilm.  So why is this worth blogging about?  Well, since the announcement that Disney was acquiring Lucasfilm the internet has been bombarded with rumors as to what direction Star Wars was going. With just a few official releases from Disney (George Lucas’ role, and the writers) mums been the word on the Episode VII.  Recently Alan Horn was asked about the possibility of Matthew Vaughn directing(In case you missed an earlier blog, Jason Flemyng might have let the cat out of the bag.)   His quote from the Vulture

“I would say you’ll know soon. And it’s got to come from Kathy Kennedy — we don’t have the company yet!”

The last part is the most important, they do not have the company yet.  At least now we are one step closer to hearing some facts about Episode VII.


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Star Wars Update: George Lucas’ Consultant Job and Rick Baker

Details on George Lucas’ “Consultant” job are a basically a breathing encyclopedia?  Although the “Godfather” of Star Wars will be working on Episode VII, we will be assisting in a very limited capacity.  Access Hollywood caught up with Lucas at  the Governor’s Awards on Saturday and asked what his  duties on Episode VII were. His response..

“[If the filmmakers ask],’Who’s this guy?’ I can tell them,” he told Access at the event in Los Angeles. “I mean, they have a hundred encyclopedias and things, but I actually know a lot. I can say, ‘This is this and this is that.'”

“Basically I’m not — I don’t really have much to do,” he said.

Although vague it does support the rumors that Episode VII will take place past the lives of the Humanoid characters at least.

The second bit of news is that Rick Baker has expressed interest in returning to work in the Star Wars universe.  For the casual Star Wars fan, Rick Baker worked on the Star Wars : A New Hope.  More specifically the infamous Mos Eisley Cantina (Chalmun’s Cantina to be specific).  

“So much of the stuff I did in the first Star Wars was very quickly done. Nobody knew that Star Wars was going to be Star Wars.  I think the problem that people have with the digital stuff is the problem I have: Just because you can do anything doesn’t mean that you should. Instead of having a spaceship battle with three spaceships, they have 3,000 spaceships. Everything is so big and there’s so much going on, you lose reality. It takes you out of it.”

And man does he have a point.  I believe that buildings, landscapes and many other large-scale special effects look great in a digital form, but the life forms do not.  Although digital animation has made a substantial amount of progress since the original Star Wars movie, when put by a real actor most often the digital character looks a bit out-of-place.  The Mos Eisley Cantina scene was done on a low-budget, actually the entire movie had a budget of only 11 million dollars, a little over 10% of Episode III’s budget.  But it is one of the most memorable scenes in A New Hope.  Rick Baker has since gone on to work on many more blockbusters, received seven Academy Awards for his work, and has received a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.


Thank you for reading and while your here, kick back and take a look at some of my other articles and photographs.


To read more about Rick Baker click here

To read more about George Lucas’ “Consultant” job click here

Star Wars : Angry Birds Hoth Update

Screen shot from the Hoth update for Star Wars : Angry Birds

This is the first DLC (downloadable content) for Star Wars : Angry Birds.  It brings along with it 20 new levels and introduces the pink bird as Princess Leia.  Having completed the first 20 missions in the Hoth update today, I have to say that they were more challenging than the other Star Wars levels.  At .99 cents Star Wars : Angry Birds has turned out to be not only  entertaining but a decent blend of the two franchises.

Matthew Vaughn to direct Star Wars Episode VII?

According to Collider in a recent interview at the Premiere of Seven Psychopaths actor Jason Flemyng might have made a slip concerning Matthew Vaughn’s possible duties with Lucasfilm’s Star Wars franchise.  You can see the slip at 1:11.  Click the links in the article to read further into the story, and remember to “follow” to keep updated with the latest Episode VII news.

Trials Evolution custom Star Wars track.

One of my many time wasters in life is You Tube.  I watch more You Tube than I do regular TV.  I ran across this today on Rooster Teeth (Red vs Blue) channel.  It is a video of a custom map in Trials Evolution to the theme of Star Wars.  With Luke’s Speeder, the Millenium Falcon, the Jawa’s Sand Crawler and Tie Fighters.

Check it out!!

Sir Derek Jacobi wants role in Episode VII

According to Denofgeek Sir Derek Jacobi (The Golden Compass, Gladiator) called his agent as soon as he heard about Episode VII. The following quote from Radio 4’s Front Row

He told the station that “My ears pricked up when it said that Disney was buying Star Wars. Oh, come in Sir Alec Guinness! Yes, on to the agent immediately!”

Continuing, he admitted that “I’d love to do my big franchise movie. Ian’s got his Gandalf, Pat Stewart has his Star Trek, Michael Gambon has got his Dumbledore… They are running out of these old men, you see. I have to be the next!”

He said that “I’m looking for my franchise as we speak!”


Actually Patrick Stewart has two if you include X-Men, but an interesting point none the less by Sir Derek Jacobi.




Han Shoots first Star Wars: Angry Birds

Today I bought Angry Birds : Star Wars and ran across an amusing picture in one of the mission videos.  For twenty years it was widely known that Han shot Greedo first in Mos Eisely Cantina.  With the re-release of Star Wars in 1997 this was forever changed.  Star Wars creator George Lucas explained the change by stating that he wanted to make clear to children that Han had “no choice” but to shoot Greedo.  Needless to say folks got upset over this change among many others things.  Apparently Angry Birds is on the “Han shot first” side.